Implementing APIs with flows

This chapter describes how to use flows with OpenAPI to receive the HTTP inputs and create an effective HTTP response.

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The OpenAPI flow-trigger represents the binding from the OpenAPI operation to the flow. It is responsible for gathering the flow inputs and invoking the flow. The name of the flow-trigger is the same name as the OpenAPI operationId, or if not provided, a unique operationId will be generated. It is recommended that you use operationId (for more information see Managing OpenAPI documents).

Flow-trigger options


This is the OpenAPI operationId, that represents the binding between the OpenAPI operation and the flow. Changing the Method will completely change the flow inputs, flow outputs, and cause the flow to fail when executed.

Flatten parameters

When this option is enabled to "true", all parameters will be accessible from $.request.params, as well as the normal ones from flow input. This can make the flow less susceptible to changes in the OpenAPI operation. For example, if a query parameter $.request.query.limit is moved to a header, then the selector will change to $.request.headers.limit, and can break your flow. With this option enabled, it can be accessed $.request.params.limit regardless of where the parameter is moved. However, parameters are unique by their defined OpenAPI parameter name and in properties, so if the names clash, then they can be overwritten.

Parse date parameters

When this option is enabled to "true", all OpenAPI parameter that are dates (with format date or date-time), will be converted to Date.

Request validation

This option controls what happens when a request fails to validate. When the option is "warn", a warning message will be logged to the console, but processing will continue. If the value is "error" (the default), then an error will be sent to the client. Required body and parameters are always enforced.

Lower-case all headers

When this option is enabled to "true", all OpenAPI parameters will be written to $.request.headers in lower-case, regardless of the case used in the OpenAPI specification. HTTP headers are case-insensitive, but OpenAPI parameter names are case-sensitive. This feature ensures that the application will treat all HTTP headers as lower-case, including the ones specified as OpenAPI parameters.

Response validation

This option controls what happens when a response fails to validate against the OpenAPI specification. When the option is "disabled", no validation will occur. When the option is "warn", warning messages will be logged to the console, but processing will continue. If the value is "error" (the default), then an error will be sent to the client. Required body and parameters are always enforced.

Flow inputs

The chapter on request processing details how the OpenAPI flow-trigger processes the raw HTTP request and turns it into flow inputs. This chapter details how to use those flow inputs in the flow.

When the HTTP request is processed, and its parameters, and body are decoded as per the OpenAPI operation, then their values are delivered to the flow in the following selectors.

Selector See also Description
$.request.body Request body The processed OpenAPI requestBody.
$.request.files Multipart files Any uploaded multipart/form-data file(s)
$.request.cookies Request cookie parameters The processed, case-sensitive, OpenAPI cookie parameter(s), if provided.
$.request.headers Request header parameters The processed, case-sensitive, OpenAPI header parameter(s), if provided.
$.request.query Request query parameters The processed, case-sensitive, OpenAPI query parameter(s), if provided.
$.request.path Request path parameters The processed, case-sensitive, OpenAPI path parameter(s), if provided.
$ Request ID Added in @axway/api-builder-plugin-ft-oas@1.6.0. The API Builder HTTP request ID.

The flow inputs can be used in the flow to write powerful integrations with existing backend services, such as databases, external REST services, Kafka, or even integrate with custom JavaScript components using our SDK.

When done, it is necessary to set appropriate flow output(s).

Flow outputs

The chapter on response handling details how API Builder processes the outputs from the flow before sending them on to the client. This chapter details how to correctly set those values using the HTTP response flow-node.

HTTP response flow-node

Any HTTP response must consist of a valid HTTP status code, optional HTTP header(s), and an optional body.


The Status must be a valid HTTP status code, and match one of the defined OpenAPI responses object.


The Headers is used to set custom HTTP headers that will be returned to the client. It is an Object of key/properties, where all the values are strings. With the exception of content-type, all headers must match those defined by the OpenAPI response object, and any required headers must be provided. Any header returned that is not documented in the OpenAPI specification will result in an error.

Content-Type header

The content-type can be set to explicitly pick a defined OpenAPI media type. However, it can be picked automatically. See response handling for more information.


The Body is the value that will be returned to the client that initiated the request. There are rules as to how the body should be encoded that depends on the content-type header. See response handling for more information.

Last modified June 3, 2022: Oyo Release Notes (#86) (99e2cf0)