Update project unit tests to use @axway/api-builder-test-utils

4 minute read

Why are we making this change

In the Villasimius release, we introduced a new Runtime utility in @axway/api-builder-test-utils to reduce the amount of code that users have to manage in their project unit tests. When this feature is used, it allows us to provide unit test optimisations for new API Builder Core features through regular updates without users having to make manual changes (such as this one) to receive them.

How does this impact my service

To benefit from this feature, existing project’s unit tests must be modified as described below. Once the modifications have been made, future updates to @axway/api-builder-test-utils will be able to be seen from the Updates tab.

New projects have this feature enabled by default.

Upgrade existing services

This feature requires the Villasimius release of API Builder Core, so ensure you have installed all updates before continuing. This guide also assumes you have followed the previous update outlined in Replace the request dev-dependency in project unit tests

Install @axway/api-builder-test-utils

Install @axway/api-builder-test-utils (at least 1.6.0) as a dev-dependency to your project.

npm install @axway/api-builder-test-utils@1.6.0 --save-dev

Import @axway/api-builder-test-utils

In all of your project’s unit tests, find this code:

const { startApiBuilder, stopApiBuilder } = require('./_base');

And replace it with:

const { Runtime } = require('@axway/api-builder-test-utils');

Remove the _base.js file

The file /test/_base.js is now no longer used, and can be deleted from your project.

Remove the before and after block

In all of your project’s unit test files find the before and after blocks of code.

If the before and after blocks of code are the same as the ones below, then you can remove the global variables, apibuilder and client, as well as the entire before and after blocks of code.

let apibuilder;
let client;

 * Start API Builder.
before(async () => {
  apibuilder = await startApiBuilder();
  const apikey = apibuilder.config.apikey;
  client = got.extend({
    prefixUrl: `http://localhost:${apibuilder.port}`,
    headers: {
      authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(apikey + ':').toString('base64')}`
    throwHttpErrors: false

 * Stop API Builder after the tests.
after(() => stopApiBuilder(apibuilder));

If the before or after blocks are not the same, you will need to assess if the changes are compatible with these recommended updates, or consult the @axway/api-builder-test-utils documentation.

Update assertions

Previously, your tests may assert similar to this example:

it('should assert something', () => {

However, that was error prone, and if the test failed, there was a chance the server would not shut down correctly. Instances of Runtime object now have a test function that is used to start and stop the runtime server and will stop the server if there are any failures. The above example can be rewritten.

it('should assert something', async () => {
  const runtime = new Runtime();
  await runtime.test(async () => {

In all of your project’s unit tests, update your tests to use the new Runtime instance and test function.

Update HTTP client

The Runtime instance provides a convenience HTTP client via the request method, and the got module is no longer needed.

Previously, HTTP client requests using got would look similar to this:

it('should be able to hit the healthcheck API', async () => {
  const response = await client.get('apibuilderPing.json', {
    responseType: 'json'
  expect(response.body).to.deep.equal({ success: true });

Now, they can be updated to use runtime.test and runtime.request:

it('should be able to hit the healthcheck API', async () => {
  const runtime = new Runtime();
  await runtime.test(async () => {
    const response = await runtime.request({
      method: 'GET',
      path: 'apibuilderPing.json'
    expect(response.body).to.deep.equal({ success: true });

See request for more information on the HTTP client options and for more examples.

Remove got

The HTTP client library got is no longer needed and can be removed from the project if it is not used anywhere else, for example:

npm uninstall got

Also, got can be removed from all the test files that require it. This can be removed:

const got = require('got');


Below is a before-after example of the changes made to the default test file in new projects.

Before update

const { expect } = require('chai');
const got = require('got');
const { startApiBuilder, stopApiBuilder } = require('./_base');
describe('APIs', function () {
  let apibuilder;
  let client;

   * Start API Builder.
  before(async () => {
    apibuilder = await startApiBuilder();
    const apikey = apibuilder.config.apikey;
    client = got.extend({
      prefixUrl: `http://localhost:${apibuilder.port}`,
      headers: {
        authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(apikey + ':').toString('base64')}`
      throwHttpErrors: false

   * Stop API Builder after the tests.
  after(() => stopApiBuilder(apibuilder));

  describe('Healthcheck', () => {
    it('should be able to hit the healthcheck API', async () => {
      const response = await client.get('apibuilderPing.json', {
        responseType: 'json'
      expect(response.body).to.deep.equal({ success: true });

After update

const { expect } = require('chai');
const { Runtime } = require('@axway/api-builder-test-utils');

describe('APIs', function () {

  describe('Healthcheck', () => {
    it('should be able to hit the healthcheck API', async () => {
      const runtime = new Runtime();
      await runtime.test(async () => {
        const response = await runtime.request({
          method: 'GET',
          path: 'apibuilderPing.json',
          headers: {
            accept: 'application/json'
        expect(response.body).to.deep.equal({ success: true });
Last modified September 9, 2022: V5 - Austen release (#102) (2414d7c)