Update to @axway/api-builder-test-utils that effect existing flow-node plugins' unit-tests

3 minute read

Why are we making this change

In the Timbuktu release of API Builder, we identified a regression in @axway/api-builder-plugin-fn-mustache@1.0.6 that changed the JSON schema of the Data parameter from any to string. The regression was fixed in the Utrecht release of API Builder. However, as part of the remediation of this, we identified that it was easy to write invalid unit-tests for flow-node plugins. While the plugin had a unit-test that checked that mustache could handle any Data input, it did not also validate those inputs against the JSON schema for the Data parameter. If it had input validation, then this would have been caught.

For this reason, we introduced a feature to @axway/api-builder-test-utils 1.4.0 that adds a new option to validate inputs while developing unit-tests. We also ensured that every Axway supported plugin validates its inputs as designed.

How does this impact my service

If you have custom flow-nodes, then you will want this update. Recall that when you generate a flow-node plugin for the first time, it generates a “hello” example that accepts a string input Name, and when invoked, returns the message, “Hello Name”. The JSON schema for the Name is as follows:

    name: Name
    description: The name of the person to greet.
    required: true
    initialType: string
      type: string

It is possible to accidentally write a unit-test that appears to work, but is actually invalid during runtime. Notice the JSON schema for Name is “type: string”. It is possible to write a valid unit-test that sets the name to a number 1234, instead of a string, and the unit-test will pass:

it('should succeed with valid argument', async () => {
  const { value, output } = await flowNode.hello({ name: 1234 });
  expect(value).to.equal('Hello 1234');

The issue is that, the way this flow-node is written, a number is not a valid input. It may indicate that a number should be accepted as a valid input, but the point is that it is not, and your existing unit-tests may have this issue.

Upgrade existing services

To ensure that your flow-node inputs and outputs are valid with respect to your JSON schema definition, you should enable the new validateInputs and the existing validateOutputs options in your unit-tests, for example:

// test.js
beforeEach(async () => {
  plugin = await MockRuntime.loadPlugin(getPlugin);
    validateInputs: true,
    validateOutputs: true
  flowNode = plugin.getFlowNode('greeting');

If all of your unit-test pass, then your flow-node is valid with respect to its JSON schema. However, if any fail, you need to investigate. It may be accidental, in which case, you need to fix your unit-test, or it may be intentional as API Builder does not validate flow-node inputs at runtime for performance reasons. For this reason, you need to develop your flow-node to handle invalid inputs (e.g. when Name is not a string or undefined), and you need to write unit tests that intentionally check that invalid inputs are handled, e.g. that the name is a string:

// action.js
async function hello(params, options) {
  const { name } = params;
  const { logger } = options;
  if (!name) {
    throw new Error('Missing required parameter: name');
  if (typeof name !== 'string') {
    throw new Error('Parameter "name" is not a string');
  return `Hello ${name}`;

In this case, you want to write a unit-test for that, and intentionally pass in an invalid name, but because input validation is enabled in the test-utils, it will not actually hit your code. To intentionally pass invalid inputs, you must disable the validateInputs option:

it('should error when name parameter is not a string', async () => {
  // Invoke #hello with a non-number and check error.
  plugin.setOptions({ validateInputs: false });
  const { value, output } = await flowNode.hello({ name: 1234  });
    .and.to.have.property('message', 'Parameter "name" is not a string');
Last modified September 9, 2022: V5 - Austen release (#102) (2414d7c)