Yako release notes

2 August 2019


To update an existing API Builder application, execute the following command from within the application directory:

npm update

To update the API Builder CLI, execute the following command:

axway pm update


  • #5892: Support auto-select of initial parameter type for flow-nodes
  • #5924: Add Mustache flow-node
  • #5956: Include JavaScript flow-node in all new applications


  • #4811: Fix Bootstrap XSS vulnerability
  • #5912: Fix lodash.merge prototype pollution
  • #5920: Update .dockerignore file with .git and coverage
  • #5954: Modifying outputs in the Flow Editor causes value to change to “Selector”
  • #5957: Fix marked Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) vulnerability

Release notes

  • #4811: Previously, RetireJS security scans of API Builder would report that it was using a vulnerable dependency on bootstrap@3.3.7. Now, the dependency is no longer reported.
  • #5892: Flow-nodes now support defining an initial type for parameters in the UI, other than always being a selector. For example, template fields could have their initialType set to string.
  • #5912: Previously, when using “npm install” on an API Builder project, npm would alert that “lodash.merge” had a high alert for Prototype Pollution ([https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/1067]). Now, the alert has been resolved by removing the dependency.
  • #5920: Previously, the .dockerignore file that comes with a scaffolded API Builder service did not include .git, coverage, and .nyc_output folders. Now, those folders are added.
  • #5924: The UI now renders a specialized Mustache editor with syntax highlighting for flow-node parameters which are defined with “format”: “mustache” and “type”: “string” in their schema.
  • #5954: Previously, there was a regression which meant flow-node outputs were un-editable, causing the value to always change to “Selector”. Now, outputs can be edited again.
  • #5956: The API Builder CLI will now include the JavaScript flow-node in all new projects.
  • #5957: Previously, when using “npm install” on an API Builder project, npm would alert that “marked” had a low alert for Regular Expression Denial of Service ([https://www.npmjs.com/advisories/1076]). Now, the alert has been resolved by updating the dependency.

Updated modules

Updated plugins

Previous releases

Year Releases
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2019 Ghent (20 Dec), Florence (6 Dec), Ennis (22 Nov), Darwin (8 Nov), Cairo (11 Oct), Barcelona (27 Sep), Akita (30 Aug), Zams (16 Aug), Yako (2 Aug), Xapuri (19 Jul), Wellington (5 Jul), Valencia (21 Jun), Utopia (7 Jun), Turin (24 May), Sofia (26 Apr), Raga (12 Apr), Quebec (29 Mar), Phoenix (15 Mar), Osaka (1 Mar), Naples (15 Feb), Melbourne (1 Feb), Lisbon (18 Jan)
2018 Kobe (21 Dec), Jakarta (7 Dec), Istanbul (23 Nov), Halifax (26 Oct), Geneva (12 Oct), Fuji (28 Sep), Eden (14 Sep), Dublin (31 Aug), Canberra (17 Aug), Boston (3 Aug), Athens (24 Jul), v4 (29 Jun)
Last modified October 6, 2021: minor tweaks/fixes (21296f3)