Faro release notes

29 January 2021


To update an existing API Builder application, execute the following command from within the application directory:

npm update

To update the API Builder CLI, execute the following command:

axway pm update


  • #6601: Added a new configuration option limits.multipartPartSize. This allows API Builder to be configured to return 413 (Payload too large) when individual parts of multipart/form-data requests exceed the configured limit. It is recommended to configure this. In new services, the default maximum size is configured to 10MB. See deprecation [D048].
  • #6643: Added parameter retries to the Connection parameters in Kafka flow-trigger. This controls the number of times that the Kafka client retries when attempting to establish a connection to the configured Kafka server.
  • #6658: Flow-triggers can now be created from within the Flow editor by dragging and dropping installed ones from the flow-nodes panel on the left.
  • #6699: breaking change: Support XSLT 2.0 and 3.0 in XSLT plugin.


  • #6707: Added missing chalk dependency to arrow-admin-ui.


These are the deprecations introduced in this release. Click here for a list of all deprecations.

  • [D046] config.bodyParser: The bodyParser config option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the product.
  • [D047] config.busboy: The busboy config option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the product. Use config.limits to configure limits for multipart/form-data requests and return 413 to clients when a limit it hit.
  • [D048] undefinedMultipartPartSize: The new config.limits config option should be configured with a value. Leaving it unset is deprecated behavior and the default behavior will change in a future version of the product to be equivalent to setting infinity (no limit).

Updated modules

Updated plugins

Known issues

To see a list of up-to-date known-issues see API Builder Known Issues.

Previous releases

Year Releases
2022 Dickens (7 Oct), Wicklow (7 Oct), Christie (23 Sep), Beckett (19 Sep), Austen (9 Sep), Villasimius (9 Sep), Unna (26 Aug), Tauranga (16 Aug), Sunnyvale (29 Jul), Riga (15 Jul), Qom (24 Jun), Paris (17 Jun), Oyo (3 Jun), Nantes (20 May), Madurai (6 May), London (22 Apr), Kabul (8 Apr), Johannesburg (25 Mar), Ikeja (11 Mar), Haarlem (25 Feb), Gondar (11 Feb), Flint (28 Jan), Exeter (14 Jan)
2021 Djibouti (31 Dec), Caracas (17 Dec), Bangkok (3 Dec), Amsterdam (19 Nov), Zigong (5 Nov), York (22 Oct), Xalapa (8 Oct), Wrecsam (24 Sep), Venice (10 Sep), Utrecht (27 Aug), Timbuktu (13 Aug), Sydney (30 Jul), Roberttown (16 Jul), Quezon (2 Jul), Perm (18 Jun), Ottawa (4 Jun), Nashville (21 May), Madrid (7 May), Lyon (23 Apr), Kalamitsi (9 Apr), Jaunpur (26 Mar), Ibiza (12 Mar), Hanoi (26 Feb), Giza (12 Feb), Faro (29 Jan), Edirne (15 Jan)
2020 Dubai (18 Dec), Calgary (4 Dec), Bruges (20 Nov), Agra (6 Nov), Zagreb (23 Oct), Yokohama (8 Oct), Xenia (25 Sep), Warsaw (11 Sep), Vancouver (28 Aug), Ufa (14 Aug), Tokyo (31 Jul), Shanghai (17 Jul), Rason (3 Jul), Qena (19 Jun), Prague (5 Jun), Oslo (20 May), Nancy (8 May), Marrakech (24 Apr), Leeds (10 Apr), Kharkiv (27 Mar), Jackson (28 Feb), Independence (31 Jan), Huddersfield (17 Jan)
2019 Ghent (20 Dec), Florence (6 Dec), Ennis (22 Nov), Darwin (8 Nov), Cairo (11 Oct), Barcelona (27 Sep), Akita (30 Aug), Zams (16 Aug), Yako (2 Aug), Xapuri (19 Jul), Wellington (5 Jul), Valencia (21 Jun), Utopia (7 Jun), Turin (24 May), Sofia (26 Apr), Raga (12 Apr), Quebec (29 Mar), Phoenix (15 Mar), Osaka (1 Mar), Naples (15 Feb), Melbourne (1 Feb), Lisbon (18 Jan)
2018 Kobe (21 Dec), Jakarta (7 Dec), Istanbul (23 Nov), Halifax (26 Oct), Geneva (12 Oct), Fuji (28 Sep), Eden (14 Sep), Dublin (31 Aug), Canberra (17 Aug), Boston (3 Aug), Athens (24 Jul), v4 (29 Jun)
Last modified February 10, 2022: Gondar release notes (#58) (b6d2bd9)