Eden release notes

14 September 2018


To update an existing API Builder application, execute the following command from within the application directory:

npm update

To update the API Builder CLI, execute the following command:

axway pm update


  • #4467: Support queries on Memory models using $like comparison operator
  • #4758: Support comparison operators on aliased fields in Composite models


  • #4870: Fix issue with duplicate path detection when paths differ by parameter name/case
  • #5028: Ensure that validation errors are cleared after saving changes in the flow editor

Release notes

  • #4467: Previously, the Memory connector did not support the $like comparison operator and would return an empty result set. Now, the Memory connector will support the correct $like behavior. This is enabled with a feature flag. See deprecation [D008].
  • #4758: Previously, queries on Composite models that have aliased fields only had support for the $like comparison operator. Now, Composite models support queries on aliased fields with the $like, $eq, $ne, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $in, and $nin comparison operators. This is enabled with a feature flag. See deprecation [D007].
  • #4870: Previously, API Builder would not correctly detect duplicate paths in endpoints if they differed by the case of the path parameters. Now, these duplicate paths are detected and reported on startup.
  • #5028: Previously, fixing and saving an invalid flow would erroneously mark the fixed node as still invalid. Now, fixing a flow will be rendered correctly.


These are the deprecations introduced in this release. Click here for a list of all deprecations.

  • [D007] enableAliasesInCompositeOperators: Queries on Composite Models will support comparison operators ($eq, $ne, $in, $nin, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $like) on aliased fields.
  • [D008] enableMemoryConnectorLike: queries on models using the Memory connector that also use the $like comparison operator will search using the query parameter instead of just returning an empty array.

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