Canberra release notes

17 August 2018


To update an existing API Builder application, execute the following command from within the application directory:

npm update

To update the API Builder CLI, execute the following command:

axway pm update


  • #4532: Support data connectors actual primary key type in API, models, and flows
  • #4724: Support for Models based on tables that have no primary key.


  • #4791: Model flow-node distinct method’s schema does not support the PK field
  • #4834: UI not showing error pages when internal errors occur.
  • #4855: Show better CLI error when using unsupported node version
  • #4869: Config: apiPrefix is not validated for a required leading slash.
  • #4916: Endpoints with names that require URI encoding cannot be opened in the UI
  • #4920: Improve the findAndModify Swagger documentation

Release notes

  • #4532: Previously, APIs and flows generated for models created by data connectors assumed IDs were of type string. Now, the APIs and flows will use the primary key type for the IDs. This is enabled with a feature flag. See deprecation [D005].
  • #4724: Previously, if a model was created for a table that had no primary key the auto-generated APIs did not work. Now, the correct set of APIs will be generated and work as expected. This is enabled with a feature flag. See deprecation [D004].
  • #4791: Previously, distinct method schema did not allow using of the primary key field. Now, the primary key field is added to the schema and can be specified in distinct queries.
  • #4834: Previously, errors in API Builder runtime or invalid views in the console would not render an error page and may have caused errors in the browser. Now, a consumable error page is shown when most errors occur.
  • #4855: Previously, when running the API Builder CLI on an unsupported Node.js version, there would be an unhelpful syntax error. Now, a useful error is output on install and when running a command which tells the user which version of Node.js to use.
  • #4869: Previously, setting value without leading slash to apiPrefix configuration parameter resulted in active service with improperly bound paths. Now, validation has been added for the apiPrefix parameter, if the leading slash is missing exceptions are thrown and the service loading is interrupted.
  • #4916: Previously, if the endpoint filename contained a % symbol the API Builder Console could not open the detail page for that endpoint. Now, the endpoint detail page will open as expected.
  • #4920: Previously, the findAndModify method had a misleading description stated that only a single object is found and modified. Now, it is corrected to denote that multiple objects could be found but only the first one in the list gets modified.


These are the deprecations introduced in this release. Click here for a list of all deprecations.

  • [D004] enableModelsWithNoPrimaryKey: For models that do not have a primary key:

    • The delete, findAndModify, findByID, upsert, and update APIs and endpoints will not be generated.
    • The Model flow-node will not have delete, findAndModify, findByID, upsert, or update methods.
    • The Create API will no longer return a location header.
  • [D005] usePrimaryKeyType: model IDs are based on the database’s primary key type instead of being hard-coded as a string.

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