Barcelona release notes

27 September 2019


To update an existing API Builder application, execute the following command from within the application directory:

npm update

To update the API Builder CLI, execute the following command:

axway pm update


  • #5994: Add API for arrowPing.json to improve ARS compatibility
  • #6024: Connector models generate friendlier API
  • #6068: Support development environment file


  • #6036: MBS connector errors leave API Builder hanging due to uncleared interval
  • #6075: Save and mock admin API swallows up errors

Release notes

  • #5994: Improved compatibility with ARS by including the default ARS healthcheck endpoint “/arrowPing.json”. This behaves identically to “/apibuilderPing.json” and can be overridden in the same way.
  • #6024: Previously, API Builder would generate API for models that originate from connectors in a way that included a slash, e.g. “oracle/user”, and would generate an API that URL encodes “oracle/user” as /api/oracle%2Fuser/query. Now, the slash between the connector name and model name is preserved and will render as /api/oracle/user/query. See deprecation [D015].
  • #6036: Previously, if data connectors failed to connect to a data source, the actual error may be lost behind a “callback called twice” error. Now, the original error is kept and the callback is not called twice.
  • #6068: API Builder now supports the ability to load a .env file containing environment variables to assist in running services with development-specific values. New projects are scaffolded with an example .env file in the ./conf directory. For further information, see: Environmentalization Guide.
  • #6068: Projects will no longer be scaffolded with nyc as a dependency.
  • #6075: Previously, errors during Endpoint creation and mocking may be swallowed up and unclear. Now, the cause of the error is logged.


These are the deprecations introduced in this release. Click here for a list of all deprecations.

  • [D015] enableModelNameEncodingWithConnectorSlash: model names which are prefixed with their connector name (in other words, oracle/user) will no longer have the slash encoded as %2F in auto-generated API paths.

Updated modules

Previous releases

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Last modified November 19, 2021: Sprint 134 - Amsterdam staging (#45) (b389d98)