API-first (OpenAPI)

This chapter describes how to use API-first methodology with the product.

1 minute read

New users

If you are new to using API-first with API Builder you can get started with our Quick start.

Existing users

If you have an existing service that uses the old legacy endpoints you can upgrade your service with our Upgrade endpoints guide.

Quick start

Quickly get started to write your first flow, and learn the basics of OpenAPI development.

Writing OpenAPI documents

This chapter describes how to write OpenAPI specifications and best practices.

Managing OpenAPI documents

This document contains details about OpenAPI specification support, and the management of the OpenAPI document lifecycle, from importing, upgrading revisions, to deleting them.

Implementing APIs with flows

This chapter describes how to use flows with OpenAPI to receive the HTTP inputs and create an effective HTTP response.

Request handling

Technical details about how HTTP requests are handled by the product.

Response handling

Technical details about how HTTP responses are handled by the product.

OpenAPI tips

This document provides recommendations that help you write clear and compliant OpenAPI specifications. All examples in this document are OpenAPI 3.0.

Last modified September 9, 2022: V5 - Austen release (#102) (2414d7c)