
7 minute read


This guide covers the basics for creating API Builder Web interfaces. An API Builder Web interface is a custom endpoint that renders static HTML content to a client application. An API Builder Web interface is made up of:

  • assets (images, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files) located in the web/public folder
  • templates (EJS, Handlebars, Markdown, or React) located in the web/views folder
  • API Builder Routes (endpoint definitions) located in the web/routes folder

You can create custom logic in your API Builder Routes, which can internally access your application’s models and APIs.

Route definition

Place all API Builder route definition files in the project’s web/routes folder. You can only declare one endpoint definition per file. An API Builder route definition file is a JavaScript file, which:

  1. Loads the @axway/api-builder-runtime module.
  2. Calls the module’s Router.extend() method, passing in an object defining the API endpoint and logic.
  3. Exports the defined endpoint using the module.exports variable.

Set the following keys in the object passed to the Router.extend() method to define the API endpoint.

Name Required Description
name true Name of the route.
path true Endpoint/path for the route.
enabled false Specifies whether the route is enabled. If not, it won’t be registered, and won’t accept requests.
sort false An integer that determines the order routes are registered. Routes with a higher sort value are prioritized and registered earlier. For example, say you have /route/:id and /route/foo. If the route with the wildcard has a higher sort than the static route, the static route runs. Therefore, create the first with a lower sort, and /route/foo routes properly, as does /api/bar.
method true The HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
description true Description of the route.
action true The function that allows you to interact with API Builder APIs and models and send data to your template engine.

Renderer engines

A renderer engine renders data (or locals in the Express framework) to the view (template file). API Builder provides a few renderer engines and allows you to add your own custom renderer engines.

Pre-built renderer engines

API Builder Web supports the EJS, Handlebars, Markdown and React renderer engines. Place all template files with the appropriate extension in the web/templates folder.

Renderer Engine File Extension
EJS .ejs
Handlebars .hbs
Markdown .md
React .jsx

To use a template in the API Builder Route’s logic, reference its filename without the extension. Because the template is referenced using the filename, you cannot have the same filename with multiple extensions.

Custom renderer engines

To create a custom renderer engine you need to create a renderer engine and register it with the API Builder instance’s middleware instance.

  1. Create an object that implements the createRenderer() method and specifies the extension property.
  2. Pass the object to the Middleware instance’s registerRendererEngine() method. You can retrieve a Middleware instance by using the middleware property of the API Builder instance.

For example, to implement a renderer engine for Jade templates:

var jade = require('jade'),
    engine = {};
engine.jade = jade;
engine.createRenderer = function (content, filename, app) {
    return function(filename, opts, callback) {
        if (!content) {
            content = require('fs').readFileSync(filename, 'utf8').toString();
        callback(null, jade.render(content, opts));
engine.extension = 'jade';
// server is an APIBuilder instance

Any view with a jade extension will be routed to the Jade renderer engine.

Handlebars partials and helpers

API Builder exposes some APIs to allow you to register Handlebar partials or helpers.


Helpers are functions that you can evaluate in your Handlebar templates. To use a helper, register the helper with the Handlebar renderer engine, then in the template, call the helper using the name you gave the helper when registering it.

  1. Get a reference to the Handlebar renderer engine using the APIBuilder.Middleware.getRendererEngine('hbs') method.
  2. Call either the Handlebar renderer engine’s registerHelper() to register a helper function. Pass the method the name of the helper and the function to invoke.
var APIBuilder = require('@axway/api-builder-runtime'),
    hbs = APIBuilder.Middleware.getRendererEngine('hbs');

hbs.registerHelper('doFoo', function(foo) {
    // this.name references the name parameter passed to the template
    // in the render call, that is, res.render('template', {name: 'Joe'});
    if (foo) {
        return this.name + ' is great!';
    } else {
        return this.name + ' is ok.';

Template example:



Partials are subviews that you can embed in a template. To use a partial, you need to register it with the Handlebar renderer engine, then reference the partial in the template using the {{> partialName}} syntax, where partialName is the name you gave the partial when you registered it.

  1. Get a reference to the Handlebar renderer engine using the APIBuilder.Middleware.getRendererEngine('hbs') method.
  2. Call either the Handlebar renderer engine’s registerPartial() to register a partial file. Pass the method the name of the partial and the template file to use as a partial.
var APIBuilder = require('@axway/api-builder-runtime'),
    hbs = APIBuilder.Middleware.getRendererEngine('hbs');
hbs.registerPartial('fooView', 'web/views/foo.hbs');

Template example:

<!-- Partial web/views/foo.hbs -->
<!-- id and name are passed as data to the res.render() method -->
<a href="/people/{{id}}">{{name}}</a>

<!-- Main Template web/views/main.hbs -->
<ul>{{#people}}<li>{{> fooView}}</li>{{/people}}</ul>

API Builder APIs from API Builder Web

You can interact with API Builder APIs from your API Builder Web route. The following is an example.

var APIBuilder = require('@axway/api-builder-runtime');

var TestRoute = APIBuilder.Router.extend({
    name: 'car',
    path: '/car',
    method: 'GET',
    description: 'get some cars',
    action: function (req, resp, next) {

        req.server.getAPI('api/car', 'GET').execute({}, function(err, results) {
            if (err) {
            } else {
                req.log.info('got cars ' + JSON.stringify(results));
                resp.render('car', results);

module.exports = TestRoute;

In the preceding example, the route calls the car API. You can retrieve a reference to an API by specifying its path or nickname property when specified by the model/API that you are using. For example: req.server.getAPI('api/car');

This code returns a reference to the car API. Once you have the API, you need to call execute:

req.server.getAPI('api/car').execute({}, function(err, results){


This first argument to execute is the input required by your API. In this example, none are required since findAll is being called. The second argument is a callback function. The first argument in the callback function is an error object. The second is data returned from the API call.

The final part of the example is calling the template with the response data from the API call.


In this example, car references the name of a handlebars template file (car.hbs) and results contains the API response with the array of cars.

Following is the handlebars template for this example. It iterates through the cars array.

    {{#each cars}}
        <div>{{make}} {{model}} {{year}}</div>

Interacting with models

The preceding example shows how to access APIs from a route. You can also directly access models. The following modifies the preceding example to use the car model.

var APIBuilder = require('@axway/api-builder-runtime');

var TestRoute = APIBuilder.Router.extend({
    name: 'car',
    path: '/car',
    method: 'GET',
    description: 'get some cars',
    action: function (req, resp, next) {
        var model = req.server.getModel('car');
        model.findAll(function(err, results){
            if (err) {
            } else {
                req.log.info('got cars ' + JSON.stringify(results));
                resp.render('car', {cars:results});


module.exports = TestRoute;

The first line of the action function retrieves the car model by name:

var model = req.server.getModel('car');

The next line calls the findAll function of the model. It’s important to note that calling APIs is different than calling models. Calling an API programmatically on the server is nearly identical to calling it remotely - you supply some input parameters and call execute and it returns the API response. Calling a model programmatically is slightly different. Since it’s a model, it does not have a REST interface. Instead, it has the functions that are called underneath the covers when an API is called, so a GET call to an API is the same as a findAll call on the model. The other difference is in the response data. The model only returns the data results - hence the results are placed in an object property called car, so the UI template can render it properly.

As you can see, API Builder Web makes it easy to build responsive desktop and web apps (using your template engine of choice) that seamlessly integrate with API Builder APIs and models.

Last modified October 6, 2021: Make warning alerts look better (#30) (135b113)