Kafka producer flow-node

7 minute read


The Kafka Producer flow-node writes messages to Apache Kafka topics. Using Apache Kafka is useful when implementing an event-driven microservice architecture.

It is part of the Kafka plugin, @axway/api-builder-plugin-ft-kafka. The plugin also contains a Kafka Consumer flow-trigger. They can be used independently in that your application may only just publish messages to Kafka, it does not necessarily have to consume them.

You can install the Kafka plugin from the Plugins page, or execute the following command:

npm install @axway/api-builder-plugin-ft-kafka

For additional getting started information, refer to the Getting Started With API Builder.


The following sections provide details of the available Kafka Producer flow-node methods.

Publish String

Publishes a string message to the Kafka topic.


Parameter Type Description Configuration selection Required
Connection ID String The Kafka Connection ID, which can be found in the details of the Kafka Consumer flow-trigger. Selector, String Yes
Topic String The topic. Selector, String Yes
Message Any The message to publish. Any Yes
Headers Object Send additional headers with the message. Selector, Object No
Key String Works together with Partition. If Key provided, but not Partition, Kafka will choose a partition based on a hash of the Key. See: https://kafka.js.org/docs/producing#options Selector, String No
Partition Number Works together with Key. If Partition provided, but not Key, Kafka will use the partition. See: https://kafka.js.org/docs/producing#options Selector, Number No
Acknowledge String Controls the number of acknowledgements required. If “All”, all replicas must acknowledge (default); if “None”, does not wait for acknowledgement; if “Leader”, only waits for the leader to acknowledge. Selector, String No
Meta-data max age Number The period of time in milliseconds after which we force a refresh of metadata even if we have not seen any partition leadership changes to proactively discover any new brokers or partitions. Selector, Number No
Response timeout Number The time to await a response in ms. Selector, Number No
Transaction timeout Number The maximum amount of time in ms that the transaction coordinator will wait for a transaction status update from the producer before proactively aborting the ongoing transaction. If this value is larger than the transaction.max.timeout.ms setting in the broker, the request will fail with a InvalidTransactionTimeout error Selector, Number No
Allow auto-topic creation Boolean Allow topic creation when querying metadata for non-existent topics. Selector, Boolean No
Compression String Enables or disables compression. Selector, String No


Output Type Description Save output value as:
Next Any Successfully published the message.
Error Any An unexpected error was encountered. $.error

Publish JSON

JSON encodes and publishes a message to a Kafka topic.


Parameter Type Description Configuration selection Required
Connection ID String The Kafka Connection ID, which can be found in the details of the Kafka Consumer flow-trigger. Selector, String Yes
Topic String The topic. Selector, String Yes
Message Any The message to publish. The value will be encoded as JSON encoded before sending. Any Yes
Headers Object Send additional headers with the message. Selector, Object No
Key String Works together with Partition. If Key provided, but not Partition, Kafka will choose a partition based on a hash of the Key. See: https://kafka.js.org/docs/producing#options Selector, String No
Partition Number Works together with Key. If Partition provided, but not Key, Kafka will use the partition. See: https://kafka.js.org/docs/producing#options Selector, Number No
Acknowledge String Controls the number of acknowledgements required. If “All”, all replicas must acknowledge (default); if “None”, does not wait for acknowledgement; if “Leader”, only waits for the leader to acknowledge. Selector, String No
Meta-data max age Number The period of time in milliseconds after which we force a refresh of metadata even if we have not seen any partition leadership changes to proactively discover any new brokers or partitions. Selector, Number No
Response timeout Number The time to await a response in ms. Selector, Number No
Transaction timeout Number The maximum amount of time in ms that the transaction coordinator will wait for a transaction status update from the producer before proactively aborting the ongoing transaction. If this value is larger than the transaction.max.timeout.ms setting in the broker, the request will fail with a InvalidTransactionTimeout error Selector, Number No
Allow auto-topic creation Boolean Allow topic creation when querying metadata for non-existent topics. Selector, Boolean No
Compression String Enables or disables compression. Selector, String No


Output Type Description Save output value as:
Next Any Successfully published the message.
Error Any An unexpected error was encountered. $.error

Publish Binary

Publishes a binary message to Kafka topic.


Parameter Type Description Configuration selection Required
Connection ID String The Kafka Connection ID, which can be found in the details of the Kafka Consumer flow-trigger. Selector, String Yes
Topic String The topic. Selector, String Yes
Message Any The message to publish. Any Yes
Headers Object Send additional headers with the message. Selector, Object No
Key String Works together with Partition. If Key provided, but not Partition, Kafka will choose a partition based on a hash of the Key. See: https://kafka.js.org/docs/producing#options Selector, String No
Partition Number Works together with Key. If Partition provided, but not Key, Kafka will use the partition. See: https://kafka.js.org/docs/producing#options Selector, Number No
Acknowledge String Controls the number of acknowledgements required. If “All”, all replicas must acknowledge (default); if “None”, does not wait for acknowledgement; if “Leader”, only waits for the leader to acknowledge. Selector, String No
Meta-data max age Number The period of time in milliseconds after which we force a refresh of metadata even if we have not seen any partition leadership changes to proactively discover any new brokers or partitions. Selector, Number No
Response timeout Number The time to await a response in ms. Selector, Number No
Transaction timeout Number The maximum amount of time in ms that the transaction coordinator will wait for a transaction status update from the producer before proactively aborting the ongoing transaction. If this value is larger than the transaction.max.timeout.ms setting in the broker, the request will fail with a InvalidTransactionTimeout error Selector, Number No
Allow auto-topic creation Boolean Allow topic creation when querying metadata for non-existent topics. Selector, Boolean No
Compression String Enables or disables compression. Selector, String No


Output Type Description Save output value as:
Next Any Successfully published the message.
Error Any An unexpected error was encountered. $.error

How to use the Kafka Producer

Example - Publish JSON to Kafka

In this example, we will encode an Object as JSON and publish it to a Kafka topic, “messages”. This example requires a Kafka Consumer flow-trigger to be created first so that it creates a valid Connection ID that will be used later in your Kafka Producer.

Follow the instructions on Create a new flow to create a “Producer flow”. In this flow, you will want to drag the Kafka Producer from the Flow-Nodes > Flow-Triggers panel on the left, into the flow graph on the right. Configure the flow-node to have the properties as shown below.


The Connection ID that is used here is a string identifier and can be found on the flow that contains the Kafka Consumer configuration panel (e.g. “Consumer Flow”). Unless you have more than one, it is typically just, “kafka”.


Click on the debugger icon in the upper-right of the graph, do not change any values, and click Execute Flow, and check your console debug log, you should see:

# Kafka Producer debug output

1618820290122 DEBUG [request-id: 95956b63-9390-4270-b0d4-e78839c69eee] Flow invoked by debugger: Kafka Producer
1618820290123 DEBUG [request-id: 95956b63-9390-4270-b0d4-e78839c69eee] Waiting: Publish String (kafka.1)
1618820290123 DEBUG [request-id: 95956b63-9390-4270-b0d4-e78839c69eee] Invoking: Publish String (kafka.1)
1618820290125 DEBUG [type: kafka] [Connection: kafka] Getting producer connection {"transactionTimeout":0}
1618820290532 DEBUG [request-id: 95956b63-9390-4270-b0d4-e78839c69eee]   finished flow-node Publish JSON (kafka.1) route: []
1618820290533 DEBUG [request-id: 95956b63-9390-4270-b0d4-e78839c69eee] Flow debugging completed: Kafka Producer

The flow-node successfully published JSON to Kafka.

Example - Behave only as a Kafka Producer

It is not possible for your application to behave only as a Kafka producer. This is because the Kafka server configuration settings on the Kafka Consumer flow-trigger configuration panel, and it is a limitation with the product that flow-trigger connections cannot be managed independently. It is possible for your application to behave as a Kafka Producer, but it is necessary to create a Kafka Consumer, and then manually disable it. Follow the instructions to create a Kafka Consumer, and then in a text editor, edit your triggers/kafka.yaml file, and manually disable the flow-trigger by setting the “kafka-1” flow-trigger property “enabled” to false (line 8):

# kafka.yaml

    name: Kafka Consumer
      groupId: group-1
      messageFormat: string
      topic: messages
    enabled: false
      flow: NewFlow
        request: $.request
    channel: kafka
    enabled: true
    name: Kafka Consumer
      brokers: 'localhost:9092'
      clientId: client-1
Last modified October 7, 2021: Tidy up documentation validation (535a040)