Flow listener response flow-node

2 minute read


The Invoke Listener Response flow-node is part of the Invoke Flow plugin, @axway/api-builder-plugin-invoke-flow. The plugin also contains the Flow Listener flow-trigger, and the Invoke Flow flow-node, and are used together to enable one flow to invoke a another flow. It is a mechanism that can be used to create reusable flows. It can be used to invoke a flow once or multiple times, looping over an array of items. The Invoke Listener Response flow-node is the response from a flow that was previously configured with a Flow Listener flow-trigger, to identify the flow to invoke, and must be executed from every possible code path in the flow attached to the Flow Listener. It supports setting a “successful” or “error” response.

To install the plugin, execute the following command:

npm install @axway/api-builder-plugin-invoke-flow

For additional getting started information, refer to the Getting Started With API Builder.


The following sections provide details of the available Flow Listener Response flow-node method.

Set Response

Sets the response for the executing Flow Listener to be returned to the flow that called Invoke Flow flow-node. If the response Is error is false, then the calling Invoke Flow flow-node will receive the Data as a successful response. If Is error is true, then the calling Invoke Flow flow-node will receive the Data as an error response, triggering the Error output.


Parameter Type Description Configuration selection Required
Is error boolean Indicates that the response is an error. This will cause the Invoke Flow to trigger the Error output with this value. Selector, Boolean Yes
Data any The result to be returned to the flow that called Invoke Flow. Selector, Any No


Output Type Description Save output value as:
Next any Response set successfully. $.result
Error any Unexpected error occurred. $.error

How to use the plugin

See Flow Listener flow-trigger for an example on how to use the plugin.

It is important to note that the outputs for this flow-node should be unchanged from the default value of $.response.

Last modified May 9, 2022: fixed Markdown formatting (#82) (d10d033)