Condition flow-node

3 minute read

The Condition flow-node methods, parameters, and outputs are described in the following sections.


The default methods for a Condition flow-node are:

  • equals - Tests if a value is equal.
  • exists - Tests if a value exists, true or false.
  • greater-than - Tests if a value is greater than another value.
  • greater-than-equal - Tests if a value is greater than or equal to another value.
  • less-than - Tests if a value is less than another value.
  • less-than-equal - Tests if a value is less than or equal to another value.


The Condition parameters are described in the following sections.

equals parameters

The equals method parameters are:

Parameter Type Description Configuration selection
source any The input to test. Selector, String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, Null
value any The value to test input against. Selector, String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, Null

exists parameters

The exists method parameter is:

Parameter Type Description Configuration selection
source any The input to test. Selector, String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, Null

greater-than parameters

The greater-than method parameters are:

Parameter Type Description Configuration selection
source any The input to test. Selector, String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, Null
value any The value to test input against. Selector, String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, Null

greater-than-equal parameters

The greater-than-equal method parameters are:

Parameter Type Description Configuration selection
source any The input to test. Selector, String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, Null
value any The value to test input against. Selector, String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, Null

less-than parameters

The less-than method parameters are:

Parameter Type Description Configuration selection
source any The input to test. Selector, String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, Null
value any The value to test input against. Selector, String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, Null

less-than-equal parameters

The less-than-equal method parameters are:

Parameter Type Description Configuration selection
source any The input to test. Selector, String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, Null
value any The value to test input against. Selector, String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, Null


The Condition flow-node outputs are described in the following sections.

equals outputs

The equals method outputs are:

Output Type Description Save output value as:
true boolean The condition tested true. $.equals
false boolean The condition tested false. $.equals

exists outputs

The exists method outputs are:

Output Type Description Save output value as:
true boolean The condition tested true. $.exists
false boolean The condition tested false. $.exists

greater-than outputs

The greater-than method outputs are:

Output Type Description Save output value as:
true boolean The condition tested true. $.greaterThan
false boolean The condition tested false. $.greaterThan

greater-than-equal outputs

The greater-than-equal method outputs are:

Output Type Description Save output value as:
true boolean The condition tested true. $.greaterThanEqual
false boolean The condition tested false. $.greaterThanEqual

less-than outputs

The greater-than-equal method outputs are:

Output Type Description Save output value as:
true boolean The condition tested true. $.lessThan
false boolean The condition tested false. $.lessThan

less-than-equal outputs

The less-than-equal method outputs are:

Output Type Description Save output value as:
true boolean The condition tested true. $.lessThanEqual
false boolean The condition tested false. $.lessThanEqual