Codeblock flow-node

3 minute read

This document describes a Codeblock flow-node and provides information on Codeblock flow-node.

Name Description
Codeblock A flow-node that can be used for executing user code and returns the response. This node allows custom business logic to be executed as part of the flow.

The Codeblock flow-node configuration, metadata, functionality, methods, parameters, and outputs for the Greet Codeblock flow-node are described in the following sections. Each method in a Codeblock flow-node corresponds to a single codeblock. The Greet Codeblock flow-node is created when a new application is created, but it can be deleted.

Instance configuration (config)

Property Description Required Type
method The name of the Codeblock to execute. yes string

The typical usage of code block flow-nodes involves setting parameters, mapping responses, and setting required configs as noted in the example below.

Configuration example

"block.0": {
 "type": "Codeblock",
 "config": {
   "method": "Greet"
 "parameters": [
     "name": "username",
     "value": "$.params.username"
 "response": {
   "context": {
     "$": "greeting"
   "routes": null


Codeblock metadata should be included in the /codeblocks directory of an API Builder Project. It is defined as a JSON file with the following properties:

Property Description Required Type
name The name of the Codeblock. yes string
description The description of the Codeblock. yes string
path The relative path to the function to be invoked. yes string
parameter Schema containing describing all the input parameters yes object
outputs Map of outputs that the codeblock can invoke yes object

Metadata example

// Greet.json

  "name": "Greet",
  "description": "Some codeblock to run with Greet flow",
  "path": "Greet.js",
  "parameter": {
    "additionalProperties": false,
    "properties": {
      "username": {
        "type": "string"
  "outputs": {
    "next": {},
  "error": {}

The functional part of a Codeblock should be a .js file which exports a function of the following signature:

invoke(apibuilder, params, cb);

  • apibuilder <APIBuilder> - The API Builder instance.
  • params <Object> - Key/value pairs of parameters passed to the node instance.
  • cb <Function> - Callback.
  • err - Error. Passing this will cause the flow to cease processing and a 500 error to be returned from the endpoint which called it.
  • response - The data to be returned as the node response.

Functionality example

// Greet.js

function invoke(apibuilder, params, cb) {
    const salutation = apibuilder.config.helloworld.salutation;
    if (!params.username) {
        return cb.error(null, {
            message: 'Invalid name'
    const body = salutation + ' ' + params.username;
    cb(null, body);
exports = module.exports = invoke


The default method for the Greet Codeblock flow-node is:

  • Greet - The codeblock to run with the greet flow.


The Greet method parameter is:

Parameter Type Configuration selection
username string Selector, String


The Greet method outputs are:

Output Type Description Save output value as:
next string The codeblock completed. $.greeting
error object The codeblock failed to complete. $.error
Last modified May 9, 2022: fixed Markdown formatting (#82) (d10d033)