Base64 flow-node

2 minute read

The flow-node methods, parameters, and output for the Base64 flow-node are described in the following sections. The Base64 flow-node is created when npm installs the @axway/api-builder-plugin-fn-base64 plugin. The Base64 flow-node plugin is included in the default application, but it can be removed.


The Base64 flow-node default methods are:

  • Encode - Encodes data into a string using the base64 encoding scheme. If the data is a Buffer or a string, its bytes will be encoded as-is. Otherwise, the data will be first converted using JSON.stringify, and then encoded.
  • Decode - Decodes a base64 encoded string into the provided format (see “Decode data as” parameter).


The Base64 flow-node parameters are described in the following sections.

Encode parameter

This method accepts strings, Buffers and any input that is valid with JSON.stringify.

The Encode method parameter is:

Parameter Type Description Configuration selection
data any The data to encode. Selector, String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, Null

Decode parameters

The Decode method parameters are:

Parameter Type Default Description Configuration selection
data string - The base64 encoded string. Selector, String
as boolean




buffer If “buffer”, data will be returned as a Buffer.

If “string”, data will be converted to utf-8 String.

If “number”, the data will be converted to a utf-8 string

and then parsed as base 10 integer.

If “boolean”, the data will be converted to a utf-8 string and if

“false”, “0”, or empty string, the value is false (otherwise, true).

If “object”, the value is converted to a utf-8 string and parsed

using JSON.parse.
Selector, String

The as parameter can be enabled or disabled.


The Base64 flow-node outputs are described in the following sections.

Encode outputs

The encode method outputs are:

Output Type Description Save output value as:
Next string The base64 encoded data. $.b64data
Error object An unexpected error was encountered $.error

Decode outputs

The Decode method outputs are:

Output Type Description Save output value as:
Next string The decoded data. $.decoded
Error object An unexpected error was encountered $.error
Last modified October 6, 2021: minor tweaks/fixes (21296f3)