HTTP basic credentials

1 minute read

The basic credential type allows you to configure a credential with a username and password. The value of this credential is the Base64 encoded username:password, suitable for use in an HTTP Basic authorization header, though it does not have the “Basic” prefix embedded. Plugins, such as the Swagger plugin, that consume the credential will prefix it if necessary.

// default.js

authorization: {
    credentials: {
        "<credential name>": {
            type: "basic",
            username: "<username>",
            password: "<password>"

A common use case for this credential type is connections between API Builder services. At first, it may be a bit confusing, API Builder has a configuration key called apikey, but the default authentication for an API Builder service is basic, and the apikey is passed as the username of a basic authentication token. So, if your service is connected to another API Builder service whose apikey is abcd-1234, your credential configuration would look like this:

// default.js

authorization: {
    credentials: {
        "API Builder service": {
            type: "basic",
            username: "abcd-1234",
            password: ""