Oracle connector

5 minute read

The Oracle connector is a plugin for API Builder that can connect to your Oracle database instance and interrogate your schema. It will automatically provision Models into your application, and optionally, automatically generate a rich CRUD API to the underlying tables. The Models can be used programmatically, or they can be used within the flow editor to interact with your database.

Minimum requirements

The following are the supported versions, features, and prerequisites and the approximate memory and disk space requirements.

Supported Versions

  • Oracle 12c

Underlying Driver Version


  • Approximately 25 MB

Disk space

  • Approximately 16 MB

Supported features

  • Automatic generation of Models from SQL tables
  • Automatic generation of API for Models
  • Full CRUD operations on tables via Models


This connector requires Oracle Instant Client installed. To install it, please follow the instructions for your environment here: Oracle Instant Client

The connector also depends on the node-oracledb module. To properly install the connector, please check the prerequisites here: node-oracledb


To install the Oracle connector, execute the following command:

npm install --no-optional @axway/api-builder-plugin-dc-oracle

A configuration file is generated for you and placed into the /conf directory of your API Builder project. You should configure this file before starting your service.


Once the plugin is installed, the configuration file is located in <project>/conf/oracle.default.js.

Option name Type Description
connector string Must be: @axway/api-builder-plugin-dc-oracle
connectString string The database instance connection string. Supports:

Easy Connect (e.g. "").
Net Service Name stored in a tnsnames.ora configuration file.
Connector Descriptor (e.g. "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=").
user string The user with which to connect to the database.
password string The user’s password with which to connect to the database.
generateModelsFromSchema boolean, string[] If true, API Builder will automatically interrogate the database and auto-generate Models from SQL tables. If false, undefined, or empty array, no models will be generated. If an array of strings, they are an exclusive list of table name(s) used to auto-generate models. If a simple name (e.g. “EMPLOYEES”), then the table is assumed to be owned by the configured user. The table can also be prefixed with a schema (which is the name of the owner, e.g. “OTHER.EMPLOYEES”). If a named table is not found, then it will generate a warning on start up. It is not currently possible to have two tables with the same name (e.g. ["EMPLOYEES", "OTHER.EMPLOYEES"]) and will generate a start up error if detected.
modelAutogen boolean If enabled, API Builder will automatically generate a full and rich CRUD API from the generated Models.
connectionPooling boolean Enables connection pooling for better performance, scalability, and resilience. See the Connection pooling for more information. Default: false
poolMax integer The maximum number of connections to which a connection pool can grow. Default: 4
poolMin integer The minimum number of connections a connection pool maintains, even when there is no activity to the target database. Default: 0
poolPingInterval integer The number of seconds that a connection has been idle before it is “pinged” to check the connection is alive. Default: 60
poolTimeout integer The number of seconds after which idle connections (unused in the pool) are terminated. Default: 60
poolIncrement integer The number of connections that are opened whenever a connection request exceeds the number of currently open connections. Default: 1


After you configure the connector, you can start up your API Builder project and visit the console (normally found under http://localhost:8080/console). Your database tables will be listed on the Models tab of the console. Now, you can click on the Gear icon to the right of the table names and generate flow-based APIs.

Custom models

You can also reference the connector in a custom model. If you have a table with name “Account” and primary key “ID” with multiple columns but you are interested only in “Name” column you can do the following:

const APIBuilder = require('@axway/api-builder-runtime');
const Account = APIBuilder.Model.extend('Account', {
  fields: {
    Name: { type: String, required: true }
  metadata: {
    primarykey: 'ID'
  connector: 'oracle'
module.exports = Account;

Note that if your table does not have a primary key for some reason the metadata will not be needed in this case but only the columns you want to use.

Defining metadata

If you want to map a specific model to a specific table, use metadata. For example, to map the account model to the accounts table set it as:

const APIBuilder = require('@axway/api-builder-runtime');
const Account = APIBuilder.Model.extend('Account', {
  fields: {
    Name: { type: String, required: false, validator: /[a-zA-Z]{3,}/ }
  connector: 'oracle',
  metadata: {
    table: 'ACCOUNTS',
    schema: 'APIBUILDER',
    primarykey: 'ID',
    primaryKeyDetails: {
      autogenerated: true,
      type: 'number',
      dataType: 'NUMBER'
module.exports = Account;

The metadata properties are defined as follows:

Property name Description
table The table name. This should match the capitalization in your DB.
schema The owner of the table. This should match the capitalization in your DB.
primarykey The field that is to be used as the primary key. Use null if the table does not have a primary key.
primaryKeyDetails.autogenerated A boolean to indicate that the primary key field is autogenerated by the DB on insert.
primaryKeyDetails.type The JSON data type for the primary key.
primaryKeyDetails.dataType The raw DB data type for the column (e.g. “NUMBER”).

Known issues and limitations

The following are the Oracle connector known issues and limitation:

  • Only supports SQL tables and views.
  • Only supports upper case tables and fields. Using mixed/lower case table names may work but is not guaranteed.

For a list of known issues and limitations, refer to the API Builder known issues.

Last modified October 6, 2021: minor tweaks/fixes (21296f3)