Mongo connector

3 minute read

The Mongo data connector is a plugin for API Builder that can connect to your Mongo database instance and interrogate your schema. It will automatically provision Models into your application, and optionally, automatically generate a rich CRUD API to the underlying tables. The Models can be used programmatically, or they can be used within the flow editor to interact with your database.

Minimum requirements

The following are the supported versions and features and the approximate memory and disk space requirements.

Supported Versions

  • MongoDB 3.6


  • Approximately 10 MB

Disk space

  • Approximately 14 MB

Supported features

  • Automatic generation of Models from Mongo collections
  • Automatic generation of API for Models
  • Full CRUD operations on tables via Models
  • Dynamic creation of Model tables


To install the Mongo connector, execute the following command:

npm install --no-optional @axway/api-builder-plugin-dc-mongo

A configuration file is generated for you and placed into the /conf directory of your API Builder project. By default, we use a host of localhost and a table called apibuilder.


Once the plugin is installed, the configuration file is located in <project>/conf/mongo.default.conf.

Option name Type Description
connector string Must be: @axway/api-builder-plugin-dc-mongo
url string The MongoDB database URL. For additional MongoDB database URL configuration information, refer to Connection String URI Format.
generateModelsFromSchema boolean If enabled, API Builder will automatically interrogate the database and auto-generate Models from MongoDB collections. API Builder determines the schema for the auto-generated models by sampling the collection. If the collection is empty, the schema cannot be determined, and the model will not be generated. This will cause issues if there are Flows or APIs, depending on the model schema.
modelAutogen boolean If enabled, API Builder will automatically generate a full and rich CRUD API from the generated Models.


After you configure the connector, you can start up your API Builder project and visit the console (normally found under http://localhost:8080/console). Your MongoDB collections will be listed on the Models tab of the console. Now, you can click on the Gear icon to the right of the table names to generate flow-based APIs.

You can also reference the connector in a custom model.

var User = APIBuilder.Model.extend('user', {
    fields: {
        name: { type: String, required: false, validator: /[a-zA-Z]{3,}/ }
    connector: 'mongo'

If you want to map a specific model to a specific collection name, use metadata. For example, to map the user model to the users collection set it as:

var User = APIBuilder.Model.extend('user', {
    fields: {
        name: { type: String, required: false, validator: /[a-zA-Z]{3,}/ }
    connector: 'mongo',
    metadata: {
        'mongo': {
            collection: 'users'

Known issues and limitations

For a list of known issues and limitations, refer to the API Builder known issues.