Change in the way of handling authentication and authentication plugins

5 minute read

Configuration options for authentication and authentication plugins have changed, and have been moved to a new accessControl configuration section. The moved APIKeyAuthType and APIKeyAuthPlugin options have been deprecated alongside the custom matchURL authentication plugin method.

Beginning with the Lisbon release, authentication and authentication plugins have changed to ensure all paths are secured by default. Authentication is applied to the API path (apiPrefix), and authentication is controlled using a new configuration section, accessControl. All other paths are denied by default unless they are made explicitly public by adding them to accessControl.paths. There are several public paths added implicitly:

  • /adminapi - this path is added if config.admin.enabled is true, and the application is installed in development mode (for example, it is not production and api-builder-admin).
  • /console - same as above.
  • /apidoc - the config.apidoc.prefix path is added if config.apidoc.disabled is not true (the default apidoc prefix is /apidoc).

Why we are making this change

Before the Lisbon release, authentication was using a URL path matching mechanism where each URL path was tested first, and then credentials were tested separately. If a custom authentication plugin was used, it would technically allow different security mechanisms to be applied to different paths. However, it was also dangerous because it relied on the authentication plugins to match the URL correctly. If the URL matching was not implemented correctly, there is a chance that the authentication could be bypassed, and routing would continue. With this change, we are consolidating routing and authentication. The use of matchURL in the authentication plugins does not fit into this security model, and so it has been deprecated.

From the Lisbon release, the chosen authentication scheme will always be applied to paths bound to the apiPrefix. The type of authentication applied to these paths can be controlled in the configuration. API Builder still supports matchURL for backward compatibility and the ability to apply security against paths other than apiPrefix, but as already explained, this is not secure, so if your application uses matchURL, it will emit a warning, for example:

// matchURL warning
Deprecation: The configured authentication plugin is using using a deprecated method 'matchURL' for applying security to paths and is potentially insecure.

This fix explicitly forces a security check against all requests that match the apiPrefix. This means that you are using a custom authentication plugin, and you previously did not require authentication on /api/foo (in other words, matchURL would return false), then after this fix, your plugin will now be forced to validate requests for /api/foo. While this is an edge-case, it is a breaking change, but a necessary one for security purposes. If you wish to maintain this behavior, please see legacy unauthenticated access below.

Additionally, except for a select few paths (mentioned above), access to all other paths will be denied by default. To opt-out of this behavior, paths intended to be public must be explicitly declared within the accessControl.public configuration.

How does this impact my service

These changes are compatible with the existing configuration. You should follow the upgrade guide to update your service to comply with the latest security recommendations and features introduced in the Lisbon release.

Upgrading the existing configuration

Continuing to use old configuration will emit a warning:

// Old configuration warning
Deprecation: Config settings related to authentication have been deprecated (APIKeyAuthType, and APIKeyAuthPlugin), use accessControl for API security instead

Upgrading authentication: basic, apikey, or none

If using the standard authentication mechanisms: basic, apikey, or none, your existing configuration will look similar to this:

// Example configuration
apikey: 'kL51Ag9PtCR4xeTInjvhlolMlQqJ6FW3',
APIKeyAuthType: 'basic',

To upgrade, create a new key accessControl, and copy the value of APIKeyAuthType to accessControl.apiPrefixSecurity. You should delete the key APIKeyAuthType. For example:

// Upgraded configuration
apikey: 'kL51Ag9PtCR4xeTInjvhlolMlQqJ6FW3',
accessControl: {
    apiPrefixSecurity: 'basic',
    public: []

Upgrading authentication: ldap

If using ldap, it will look similar to this:

// Example configuration
APIKeyAuthType: 'ldap',
ldap: {
    url: 'ldap://',
    adminDn: 'cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com',
    adminPassword: 'password',
    searchBase: 'dc=example,dc=com',
    searchFilter: '(uid={{username}})',
    reconnect: false,
    connectTimeout: 2000

To upgrade, create a new key accessControl, and set the value of accessControl.apiPrefixSecurity to 'ldap'. You should delete the key APIKeyAuthType. For example:

// Upgraded configuration
accessControl: {
  apiPrefixSecurity: 'ldap',
    public: []
ldap: {
    url: 'ldap://',
    adminDn: 'cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com',
    adminPassword: 'password',
    searchBase: 'dc=example,dc=com',
    searchFilter: '(uid={{username}})',
    reconnect: false,
    connectTimeout: 2000

Upgrading custom authentication: plugin

If using a custom authentication plugin, your configuration will look similar to this:

// Example configuration
APIKeyAuthType: 'plugin',
APIKeyAuthPlugin: 'custom-plugin.js'

To upgrade, create a new key accessControl, and set the value of accessControl.apiPrefixSecurity to 'plugin'. Then, copy the value of APIKeyAuthPlugin to accessControl.plugin. You should delete the keys APIKeyAuthType and APIKeyAuthPlugin.

// Upgraded configuration
apikey: 'kL51Ag9PtCR4xeTInjvhlolMlQqJ6FW3',
accessControl: {
    apiPrefixSecurity: 'plugin',
    plugin: 'custom-plugin.js',
    public: []

Your upgraded custom authentication plugin should not contain matchURL. For example:

// Upgraded custom authentication plugin
function Plugin() {

Plugin.prototype.validateRequest = function (request, response, callback) {
    // TODO: custom authentication
    callback(null, true); // success!

module.exports = Plugin;

Legacy unauthenticated access to paths having apiPrefix: plugin

We highly recommend that if you need unauthenticated paths, you use the public paths mechanism for unauthenticated access. However, as stated above, if you implement a plugin where matchURL returned false for paths residing on the apiPrefix (for example, /api by default) and wish to continue to provide unauthenticated access those path(s), then you must implement this logic in validateRequest,and be careful when testing the path. The code below does a case-insensitive test on the request.path.

// Upgraded custom authentication plugin
function Plugin() {

Plugin.prototype.validateRequest = function (request, response, callback) {
    if (request.path.toLowerCase().indexOf('/api/foo') === 0) {
        // unauthenticated URL
        return true;
    // TODO: custom authentication
    callback(null, true); // success!

module.exports = Plugin;
Last modified October 6, 2021: fixed link (62ff141)