Change in the way plugins document API Builder compatibility

3 minute read

Using a peer dependency on @axway/api-builder-runtime in plugins has been deprecated since API Builder Kabul release. Installed plugins which have a peer dependency on @axway/api-builder-runtime will warn on startup.

Plugins should now use engines.apibuilder to document compatibility.

What are peer dependencies?

Peer dependencies are a feature of npm, usually used for plugin packages, to document a particular version of a “host” package that it is compatible with. They are defined in package.json along with dependencies and devDependencies.

"peerDependencies": {
  "@axway/api-builder-runtime": "^4.5.0"

Why are we making this change

If you are using npm version 1, 2, 7 and higher then peer dependencies are automatically installed, and installing plugins that still contain peerDependencies on @axway/api-builder-runtime can have unexpected results. It can cause installation to fail, or it can install an unintended version of API Builder.

To avoid this, we introduced a new way of documenting compatibility with API Builder - engines.apibuilder, and updated all our plugins.

How does this impact my service

This issue impacts your service when you want to update the Node.js and npm versions in your environment. (The latest release of Node.js 16 is shipped with npm version 8).

Most services will not be impacted as plugins will be updated at the same time as API Builder, but if you are using a previous version of a supported plugin, you should manually upgrade to use the latest version of that plugin.

Existing services can continue to use the old peerDependencies behavior by using the --legacy-peer-dependencies flag to npm install with unmaintained versions of plugins, however fully upgrading your service is strongly recommended.

Upgrading plugins that you own

If you have created a plugin, then you should update it as follows, and publish a new version to stay fully compatible with the latest versions of npm:

Check your plugin’s package.json for a peerDependencies section. It may look like the following:

  "name": "api-builder-plugin-example",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=8.9"
  "peerDependencies": {
    "@axway/api-builder-runtime": ">=4.5.0"

Take note of the current peerDependency range for @axway/api-builder-runtime. In this example it is “^4.5.0”.

Now add an “apibuilder” key under “engines” as follows. If “engines” is not defined in your package.json then you should create it. The value should be equivalent to the peer dependency range above. In this case we are using the >= syntax to specify ranges greater than or equal to 4.5.0, although any valid semver expression can be used. Additionally, remove the peerDependency on @axway/api-builder-runtime. If there are no peerDependencies remaining, you may delete the section entirely.

  "name": "api-builder-plugin-example",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=8.9",
    "apibuilder": ">=4.5.0"

You can now release a new version of your plugin. Be sure to test it first.

Last modified May 9, 2022: fixed Markdown formatting (#82) (d10d033)