Removal of Model prefix

2 minute read

Beginning with the Cairo release, Creating a Model with the prefix property is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of the product.

Why we are making this change

If you need to host the autogenerated API for a Model on a path other than the configured apiPrefix, you can use the prefix property to do so. This is not recommended for a number of reasons:

  • The path provided is not relative to the configured apiPrefix and therefore, will not be described in the Swagger for your service.
  • The path provided may not have the configured auth strategy applied to it (since it is not relative to the configured apiPrefix).
  • The path will not be allowed access by default (will have to be added to the list of public paths in config manually).

For these reasons, we will be deprecating this feature, and recommend using the default path for Model autogenerated APIs.

// Example of model using prefix
APIBuilder.Model.extend('user', {
  prefix: '/myuser',
  fields: {
    name: {
      type: 'string'

How does this impact my service

If you have any Models which have a prefix in their definition and you use their automatically generated APIs, this will affect you after the next major release of API Builder. The prefix will no longer be used, and the API will be available on the default path.